Wolverine #112

2/11/2024 12:54:21 PM
The Light at the End of the Day


  Wolverine heads out to the Big Apple (New York City) where on the street, he encounters two hoodlums who were attempting to stir up trouble with a girl (Kirstin) and a guy in a wheelchair (Clive). Logan helps the two by getting rid of the two hoodlums. After that, the girl introduces herself, and seeing Logan's knapsack tied to his motorcycle, offers him a vacant room in an apartment building that she lived in. Logan says he'd take a look at the room, and departs with the two.

  Meanwhile, a local mime there was riding off from the scene. As he rode past a basement door, a chain shot out and grabbed one of his pins. The mime was very impressed, and asked into the dark cellar how the person had managed to do that. The person invited him down to show him. The mime descends into the basement, only to discover something hideous (which was not revealed except for its red eyes.)

  After making a phone call to Jean telling her of his plans to stay in NYC for awhile, Logan decides to roam around the city for a little while. He spends a sleepness night in his newly-rented apartment. He tries to excercise to get himself tired, but nothing worked. He glanced outside, and saw the mime in the deserted street, yet, now, instead of bowling pins, the mime was juggling an assortment of knives, and on his mask was a sinister look. Logan just tries to shrug it off.

  The next morning, downstairs in the cafe, Logan meets Kirsta again. She tells him of a job that was available at a construction site. The forewoman there, Helen Bach, said there wasn't much work to be sought there. Logan offers to work for free, catching her by surprise. After the other workers there agreed, she allows him to work there for free.

  Later that day, as he and Helen were having a conversation as they were leaving the construction site, they encounter the same two hoodlums that Logan had encountered in the beginning, and they were trashing his Harley-Davidson motorcycle. (They were different though, as evident by their glowing red eyes). Helen doesn't want Logan to get into a conversation over this, and tells him to just call the police and let them handle it. But when called a "girlie", Helen did not take it very well, and she beats up the big hoodlum who had called her the name. As his counterpart draws out a gun and was about to shoot her, Logan springs into action, claws extended. But at the very last moment, he retracts his claw, so the gunman instead got a hard fist into his face.

  Logan asks Helen where she learned to fight like that. She did not want to tell, and instead, tells Logan to return back to the site in the morning. Dragging his battered Harley back up to his apartment, Logan, upon opening the door, to his surprise, discovers the possessed mime in there. The voice that the mime spoke with reminded Logan of someone from his past, but he couldn't distinguish it.