X-Men #17

2/3/2024 1:52:18 AM
A Skinning of Souls

Waiting for the Ripening

  Illyana is excited that Piotr is coming for a visit; a government agent observes.

  A thousand miles to the north, Garnoff and Darkstar investigate Neftelensk, whose inhabitants have been frozen in place over the past few days. Darkstar flies up to reconnoiter and finds her father, who yells at her and makes her look into the Darkforce, then another entity rips into her soul, and she falls unconscious. Garnoff, a telepath, loses contact with her, and when he reaches out, he is also attacked, his most hurtful memories relived. Fyodr, Vazhin, and Shatalov discuss the situation and agree to send Omega Red in.

  X-Men Blue arrives at Piotr's house; the government agent sees them and notifies Vazhin.

  In Westchester, Rogue is still half-blind (iss. 16), so Remy, as a lesson in trust and distrust, has her walk to the end of the diving board, catching her when she falls.

  Ororo brings Cannonball and Warpath to Xavier: they have just learned about the death of the Hellions (UXM 281-282), and they want to go to Brazil to tell Magma and Empath. Xavier can't violate his agreement with Val and lend them a Blackbird, but he suggests Firestar might arrange transportation (see New Warriors 31).

  In Tokyo, Kwannon fights off a band of attackers and prepares to find the X-Men.

  Logan goes outside to smoke, and finds Piotr contentedly digging out a root. He asks him why he stopped drawing after Mikhail's suicide, and he says, "Sometimes I wonder if leaving here to follow another man's dream, no matter how noble, was not the single worst choice of my life."

  Scott is having nightmares about Cable and Stryfe; he gets up and finds Betsy toweling off in the bathroom.

  Jubilee is amazed that Illyana used to be a teenager (until New Mutants 73).

  Omega Red is MIA, so Fyodr wants to send in Red Flag 133 (Illyana), but Vazhin says they should use the X-Men, instead.