X-Men #52

2/3/2024 2:14:39 AM
Collector's Item


  Remy charges the engine and tells Bishop to climb down to the tracks, absorb the energy, and then release it in a "kinetic backlash" to instantly stop the train. It works, somehow.

  Rogue rents an apartment in Pine Bluff, SC, but freaks when the landlady's kid almost touches her.

  The police interview the survivors of the train wreck, who blame mutants. Bastion confiscates videotape of the scene. Sinister has taken Dark Beast, Remy, and Bishop captive. As a geneticist, he has recorded all known mutant bloodlines, and he is eager to examine Bishop's mind. He realizes he is from the future, sent back to capture the traitor to the X-Men. When he gets up to the AOA memories, Dark Beast gets worried and prompts Remy to attempt escape. He pretends to be in pain, and Sinister, oddly, checks on him and releases him; Remy throws a card to destroy the lab, so Sinister blasts him. Bishop feeds off the lab's electricity and blasts Sinister, who decides to retreat. The X-Men extricate themselves; Remy somehow knows they're in St. Louis; Dark Beast realizes he has some prior connection to Sinister.