X-Men #56
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1996
- Month
- 9
- LastChanged
- 2/3/2024 2:16:05 AM
Twilight of the Gods
- Plot - Scott Lobdell
- Writer - Mark Waid
- Penciler - Andy Kubert
- Inker - Art Thibert
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Colorist - Joe Rosas
- Editor in Chief - Bob Harras
- Enhancement - Malibu
The Begining of the End
Note: this is part of Onslaught Phase 2.
Joseph and Rogue save some innocents from a Sentinel, which then defeats both of them. They are saved at the last moment by Dr. Doom, of all people, who has devised a gauntlet that can blow a Sentinel's head apart.
Joseph relates all this to Cap, who realizes Doom wants to ally against Onslaught before there's no more world to conquer. Joseph wrestles with the legacy of Magneto's crimes.
Onslaught sits in his citadel in Central Park, behind impenetrable psi shields. Nate Grey resists him, but he can still feed off his power. He plans for mutants to take over the world, using Nate and Franklin.
Xavier, mind-blind, tells Joseph not to blame himself. He, after all, is the one who set Onslaught free when he wiped Magneto's mind.
Onslaught sees Nate's memories of the AOA and is furious that mutants controlled the world and then destroyed it. He absorbs Nate's powers.
Cap plans to use the psi-armor Iron Man made. Jean senses Xavier leaving to confront Onslaught on his own, so Scott quietly assembles the X-Men. Xavier tries to reason with the monster; Onslaught has meanwhile decided that neither humans nor mutants can be trusted to rule the world, so he's going to kill them all.