X-Men #57
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1996
- Month
- 10
- LastChanged
- 2/3/2024 2:16:37 AM
- Writer - Scott Lobdell
- Penciler - Andy Kubert
- Inker - Art Thibert
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Enhancement - Malibu
- Colorist - Joe Rosas
- Editor in Chief - Bob Harras
Xavier uses Cerebro to try to find himself, but he no longer registers. He deletes all files about himself.
Val rings the doorbell of the ruined mansion, and Scott asks her about Alex: still MIA. She is there to take Xavier into protective custody; the X-Men refuse her. But then Ororo says they have to let Val get him examined, so Onslaught doesn't happen again.
Hank is spending the day with Trish and an image inducer in Washington Square Park. He says he did some thinking while he was Dark Beast's prisoner (iss. 51-54), says he's sorry for blaming her for the Legacy Virus story (UXM 323), and realizes he loves her.
In Westchester: Jean agrees with Ororo, saying it will take years for Xavier's mind to recuperate.
Jameson has been investigating Graydon Creed, and Bastion meets with him, trying to warn him off. But JJJ don't scare.
In Westchester: Val is aghast to find Magneto among the X-Men; Joseph says they can't punish Xavier for things Onslaught did. Jean says they owe the world assurance that Xavier is no longer Onslaught; Scott says the world owes Xavier much more than that.
Xavier interrupts the argument, pointing out the irony: he created the X-Men to protect the world from dangerous mutants, but he is the most dangerous of all. He decides to go with Val. Joseph is left free to start over.
In Warren's loft in Soho, Betsy finds a feather.