X-Men #59
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1996
- Month
- 12
- LastChanged
- 2/3/2024 2:17:11 AM
- Writer - Scott Lobdell
- Script - Ralph Macchio
- Penciler - Andy Kubert
- Inker - Art Thibert
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Colorist - Joe Rosas
- Enhancement - Graphic Colorworks
- Editor - Bob Harras
Scott spends the day in Manhattan watching "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" (must look red and pink to him). Jean catches up to him, asking if he's upset about Alex (UXM 339), but he doesn't want to talk about it.
Hercules is visiting the mansion; Bishop gives him the usual welcome (cf. Spider-man, UXM 339) and gets knocked down. Hank summarizes Onslaught, and Hercules says he's there to team up with Quicksilver, who is out at the lake commiserating with Logan, who lost Mariko and says he has to hold on for Luna's sake.
Joseph is working on the Z'Noxx chamber (UXM 65), which can dampen psionics: he hopes to help Rogue. Quicksilver points out that Magneto also hurts everyone he touches, then runs off to leave with Hercules. Joseph catches up in time to apologize; Hercules tells Quicksilver he shouldn't carry a grudge.
Scott tells Jean how, as a sickly orphan boy, he spent his time dreaming in the movies; then Xavier gave him a purpose. Jean smooches him.
At Graydon's campaign headquarters, Bobby plans to get his father out of jail. Sam realizes there's a secret behind a closed door.
Jean tells Scott not to worry about what Xavier would do, and to take time to enjoy life. They walk down the street together.