X-Men #67
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1997
- Month
- 9
- LastChanged
- 2/3/2024 2:19:27 AM
The End of Days
- Writer - Scott Lobdell
- Penciler - Carlos Pacheco
- Inker - Art Thibert
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Colorist - Chris Lichtner
- Colorist - Aron Lusen
- Colorist - Liquid!
- Editor - Mark Powers
- Editor in Chief - Bob Harras
Operation Zero Tolerance
Note: this is part of the Operation: Zero Tolerance (OZT) crossover.
In Israel, Sabra downloads classified information on OZT to help the X-Men. She barely knows them, but she knows bigotry. Agents escort her to a car and order her to turn over the information, but she resists, and they transform to Prime Sentinels. She punches through the floor of the car and grabs the tarmac to stop herself, destroying the car.
Bobby takes Cecelia to Soho, to hide in plain sight. He kisses her so he can spy out the house behind her, while Marrow observes from the sewers. Cecelia is still mad at being dragged into this mutant stuff and wants to leave, but he forces her into Warren's apartment for safety. When he goes in the window, Angie tries to hit him with a lamp; she is Candy Southern's old roommate and was housesitting (sure, Warren, sure).
In the Hulkbuster base, Bastion pumps Xavier for information, not yet able to decipher the Xavier Protocols. He refuses, of course, and says that part of Bastion knows he's wrong and wants Xavier to get his psi-powers back and stop him. Also, since Bastion is invisible to psi-scans, he must not be human.
Bobby tries to phone Muir Island, and then Nate Grey, with no luck. Then his mutant power gets suppressed, and Angie turns into a Sentinel. Cecelia shields Bobby from her blasts. Then Charlotte shows up and shoots her; they run before she can recover.
She takes them to the police station, turning them over to OZT's Boyd and Mathers because they are holding her son, Timothy. The electricity goes out, and Bobby, suspicious anyway, ices up. Many of the NYPD are Sentinels, and Marrow is at the fuse box in the basement, ready to attack.