X-Men #72
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1998
- Month
- 2
- LastChanged
- 2/3/2024 2:20:38 AM
Life Lessons
- Writer - Joe Kelly
- Penciler - Carlos Pacheco
- Inker - Art Thibert
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Lettering - Emerson Miranda
- Colorist - Liquid!
- Editor - Mark Powers
- Editor in Chief - Bob Harras
Note: this occurs after UXM 352.
While Ororo prunes her last surviving flower, Logan prunes Marrow.
Haller writes to Sen. Kelly, asking him to free Xavier. Sabra appears, saying a forger named Odekirk invented Erik Lensherr, and Haller insists they go to him in Romania, to learn Magneto's true identity. Magneto gets there first, angry that his cover was blown. He kills Odekirk and reclaims his real name, Magnus.
Ororo stops Sam from befriending Marrow, saying she's just bad at heart (her remaining one). He resents being ordered around and zooms past Joseph and Hank, who were replacing girders in the roof. While his slugs are off feeding, Maggott sees Cecelia on a hillside, depressed, and hits on her till she smiles. Joseph wonders how much Maggott knows about him. Sam decides he's not a quitter and returns.
Marrow demands revenge on humanity, draws blood on Logan, tastes it, and dares him to kill her. But he only kills soldiers and says she wouldn't have come to the X-Men unless she wanted training. He whups her, then offers to be her drill sergeant.
She sticks a bone through his throat.
He goes feral and is about to slice her brains, when Sam arrives and knocks him out ("Logan, Sir? Sir? Oh gosh... Pleasedon'twakeupmadPleasedon'twakeupmad"). Ororo accidentally steps on a weed. Weed-like Marrow runs through the tunnel back to Manhattan, where Callisto is bedridden (see UXM 346).
In Salem Center, the Fargo-like cops find a dead drunk (see last iss.), and a bloody trail leading to Xavier's school.