X-Men #74
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1998
- Month
- 4
- LastChanged
- 2/3/2024 2:21:27 AM
- Writer - Joe Kelly
- Inker - Dan Panosian
- Penciler - Art Thibert
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Lettering - Emerson Miranda
- Colorist - Chris Lichtner
- Colorist - Aron Lusen
- Editor - Mark Powers
- Editor in Chief - Bob Harras
Callisto tells Marrow to leave her to die, but she stays and says a prayer to Angel for her recovery. Warren spends the early morning flying around the city, enjoying his natural wings. He decides to face old demons and flies through the Morlock tunnels, where Harpoon crucified him (X-Factor 10).
Hank tests Maggott's powers and wrestles in the snow with Cecelia. Logan eats at Harry's Hideaway; Harry is worried about the savage murders in town. Logan investigates, impersonating a Nassau County police detective. He picks up the scent of Maggott's slugs.
Warren runs into Abomination, who attacks, and he runs and hides on the ceiling, hanging on by his wings. Marrow runs to his aid. Warren, embarrassed to be rescued by a girl, stands his ground. Abomination and Marrow both expect him to be repulsed by her ugliness, but he sees her courage. She stabs Abomination's eyes with two of Warren's old flechettes. Abomination releases her to the surface but says humanity will reject her.
Callisto sees Colossus come to help her, but it's really Dark Beast. Maggott goes looking for his stray slugs and finds them covered in blood. Logan is knocked unconscious, and when he wakes there are scars on his chest, for which Maggott apologizes.