X-Men #76
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1998
- Month
- 6
- LastChanged
- 2/3/2024 8:01:40 AM
A Boykie and His Dinges
- Writer - Joe Kelly
- Penciler - Mat Broome
- Inker - Sean Parson
- Inker - Aaron Sowd
- Colorist - Liquid!
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Editor - Mark Powers
- Editor in Chief - Bob Harras
Cecelia and Hank examine Marrow; she is fine after the Ru'tai, except for her attitude. Maggott hides from the examination in the attic, but Logan finds him and gets him to say why.
He grew up in a big family in Ottoshoop, South Africa. He was sickly and lame and had trouble with his digestion. His medicine was expensive, and his mother finally prayed that his sufferings would end. He overheard, took the family jeep, and planned to die in the desert. But his little brother was in the back.
He thought they were doomed, but then Magneto showed up. He touched his head and shut down his pain centers, then two slugs popped out of his abdomen and he turned blue. He was a mutant. Magneto flew them home; their village was caught in the revolt against apartheid, their brother Lot was killed, and their father had gone into town for vengeance. Maggott asked Magneto to rescue him, and he slaughtered the soldiers around him, crushing them with their own blood. It horrified Maggott, especially when the rebels cheered. Magneto left, telling Maggott to call when humanity turns against him.
The slugs, Eany and Meany, eat for Maggott, and to deliver their energy, then eat their way back inside him, painfully.
Ororo goes into town to pick up the school's mail, including a package for her from Africa. She finds Logan and Maggott in her attic and berates Logan for smoking. She opens the package: a talking statue of Ainet, calling for help.