X-Men #77

2/3/2024 2:24:05 AM
Storm Front

Psi-War: Storm Front

  Note: this issue is Psi-War, Part 1.

  The X-Men all died, and Ororo is buried in their corpses. The End.

  Half a day earlier, Ororo explains: as a young girl she wandered to Kenya, where Ainet, the village magician, took her in and became a second mother. Her plea for help has turned to sand, and Ororo must go answer it.

  The team insists on going with her, and Betsy joins them, providing transportation with her power of sliding through shadows.

  In Africa, they are immediately attacked by natives, who turn to sand. Logan goes off by himself, telling the rest to wait in the village. Ororo shows them around; it is more humble than Marrow expected of the "goddess".

  Sam gets separated and sucked into the sand. He finds himself back in a Kentucky coalmine, being bawled out and beaten by his father.

  The villagers are zombies, seated in a circle and chanting. Ainet emerges from the sand with Ananasi, the spider god, who has possessed everyone and wants to marry the Storm goddess. He sends the rest of the team's souls away; Ororo blasts him with precision lightning.

  Marrow and Maggott find themselves cured of their bone and slug problems, and Ananasi tells them and Cecelia that he has shown them their true selves. He shows them Logan, totally feral, and wants to turn them against the X-Men.

  Betsy shows up, having defeated sand warriors, and splits Ananasi's mask. She says he's a telepath and he's making Ainet manipulate the sand. She takes Ororo onto the psi-plane, where Ananasi has made a matrix from the villagers' minds. Betsy armors up and attacks him. Ananasi taunts her, saying she's nothing, especially next to Jean Grey.

  Ainet warns Ororo that Ananasi is a trickster, and she realizes Betsy is the real target. She tries to warn her, so Ananasi sends her to be buried under the corpses of her friends.

  Betsy focuses all her power and strikes. The energy routes through each of the villagers' minds in a chain-reaction, and she gets herself knocked out. Ananasi is really the Shadow King, and he has manipulated Betsy into disrupting the entire psi-plane, effecting every mind on earth.