X-Men #78

2/3/2024 2:24:18 AM
Storm Front

Psi-War: Storm Front

  Note: this issue is Psi-War, Part 2.

  In New York City, everyone has gone insane (insert your own joke). The Shadow King wants to rule a world of madness and suffering, and he gloats over Betsy's fragmented psyche. After his defeat on Muir Island (iss. 280), he hid from Xavier, but since Onslaught, the psi-plane has been unguarded.

  He asks Cecelia, Maggott and Marrow to ally with him and offers to make their dreams come true (a surgeon, a hero, a lovely girl). Meanwhile, Sam, Logan, and Ororo are stuck in private hells.

  Betsy reassembles herself as a shadow, realizing the Crimson Dawn is the only reason she survived. She encases Ainet in shadow, which hides her from the Shadow King, and they go to Ororo, who think she's being justly punished. Ainet reminds her of the good she has done and gets her to pick herself up.

  Betsy goes to Ananasi; he offers to make her his bride. She plays along while Ororo and Ainet sneak over and free Cecelia, Maggott and Marrow from their false dreams. Marrow hears a call from Sam and goes to free him.

  Betsy sends the rest back to the real world and faces the Shadow King alone, while he starts consuming every mind on earth. He gets so enraptured by this that he forgets to cover the core of his psychic being, and Betsy sends her shadows to capture it. His power dissolves, but he points out that Betsy will have to use all her telepathic power to guard him, forever.

  In the village, everyone tries to recover from possession. Logan was particularly effected.