X-Men #87

2/3/2024 7:53:13 AM
No Surrender!


  Note: this is part 3 of the Magneto War and occurs after UXM 367.

  In the eye of the E-M storm, Magneto pits his skill against Joseph's unrestrained power, while Astra watches with glee. The X-Men arrive, and Kurt ports Astra away. She knows who he is and fights him. Rogue knocks Magneto down and tells him to stop, but he is super-charged and furious. Logan, Remy, Marrow, and Kitty join the attack.

  Joseph, no longer under Astra's control, starts repairing the earth's magnetosphere. Xavier telepathically anchors him, Piotr turns metal and collects nearby energies, which Ororo channels into Joseph. Joseph is tempted to abandon his humanity and help the planet by merging with it.

  Huxley burns a report that Magneto's E-M field is diminishing.

  Kurt removes Magneto's helmet, and Logan strikes him, claws extended.

  Joseph's body has aged, burnt out by his power. He warns the X-Men to leave before the base explodes, says farewell, and joins the ages. Astra ports away. Magneto refuses to surrender, and Rogue restrains Logan from killing him.

  Huxley arrives, having convinced the UN to give Genosha to Magneto: land for peace. Xavier has to put Logan's mind to sleep when he hears that one. The X-Men withdraw. Magneto's power is exhausted, but he has a new beginning.

  Note: continued in Magneto Rex limited series.