X-Men #88
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1999
- Month
- 5
- LastChanged
- 2/3/2024 7:53:02 AM
A Wared Apart
- Writer - Alan Davis
- Penciler - Alan Davis
- Script - Joe Casey
- Inker - Mark Farmer
- Colorist - Marie Javins
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Lettering - Wes Abbott
- Editor - Mark Powers
- Editor in Chief - Bob Harras
Note: this occurs after UXM 368.
Jean and Hank can't find a trace of the abducted X-Men on any frequency. They can do nothing but hope.
Xavier and the abducted team members are in the middle of an alien war in a universe with alternative physics. Logan's perceptions are skewed; when Kurt tries to port he opens doors for monsters; Ororo's powers work directly against the aliens themselves; Remy's aim is out of control and he hurts Marrow; Xavier's astral form is much stronger.
Ororo exults in her power and clears the battle away with a gesture. The Trion appear, and she collapses; Ejulp says they are the embodiment of this dimension's forces, and she overloaded herself. He brought the X-Men to stop the Juggernaut, at the suggestion of Black Tom, who appears. He says when Juggernaut's power was restored (UXM 361), he was possessed by Cytorrak and went on a rampage. He was so powerful he broke through dimensional barriers, drawing Tom after him. Cytorrak wants to destroy the Trion; they deflected him through other universes while they collected the X-Men. Xavier agrees to help, leaving his body behind but taking Kurt, Kitty and Logan.
Ororo feels herself trapped in darkness and panics. A light and a voice come through a crack, telling her to be calm, and she will soon be free.
Xavier leads past mindless monsters, and Logan can't handle the sensory input. He falls, and Xavier catches him. They instantly merge, and Xavier can't get out of his head.
Ororo finds herself unburied and on the African veldt, facing her younger self.
Xavier restrains Logan's killing instincts, nearly getting them both killed, then lets him go wild despite his distaste. Kitty and Kurt find them, and then a giant Juggernaut does.
Note: continued in UXM 369.