Generation Next #2

1/16/2024 5:23:27 AM
Hither Comes the Sugar Man!
After Xavier
The Age of Apocalypse


  Illyana is in the Seattle Core, teaching thenew prisoners how to avoid drawing Sugar Man'sattention. Two of the guards are in a cab on their wayto a club. One feels guilty about helping Sugar Man.Chamber kills them, so he and Skin can use theiruniforms. Colossus plans to send the kids through thefront door, while he and Kitty phase through the back.Kitty thinks it's suicide, then she is abducted by anUndercloak. Colossus rips up the hillside, exposing itto moonlight and making it vulnerable, and Kittyimpales it.

  Husk impersonates a spa attendant, so Quietus, thehead of the Core, will take her to his place. He has avaporizer that makes mutant ill, so he detects andbeats her. But she has hidden Vincente in the winebottle, and he kills Quietus from the inside, andemerges covered in gore. They think Colossus issending them on a suicide mission, but they do theirjob and find Illyana's file. Together, theyimpersonate Quietus and walk through the front gate,with Chamber and Skin as workers.