Wolverine #175
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 2002
- Month
- 6
- LastChanged
- 2/11/2024 1:17:21 PM
The Logon Files
The Vow
- Writer - Frank Tieri
- Penciler - Sean Chen
- Inker - Norm Rapmund
- Ass't Editor - Mike Raicht
- Cover Art - J.H Williams
- Cover Art - Jose Villarrubia
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Lettering - Saida Temofonte
- Colorist - Avalon Studios
- Ass't Editor - Mike Raicht
- Editor - Mike Marts
- Editor in Chief - Joe Quesada
Logan regains consciousness, and finds himself and his adopted daughter, Amiko, as captives in the presence of Lady Deathstrike, Omega Red, and, the mastermind behind it all: Sabretooth. Sabretooth reveals to Logan how he's not part of the Weapon X program anymore ... not since he had stolen the director's quote and a substantial amount of their cash, along with the Weapon X program's most sensitive files, which contained information on every single mutant known to exist. Omega Red jumps in, questioning Sabretooth's intent as neither he nor Lady Deathstrike had gained any access to the files nor the money yet since they had joined up with Sabretooth with the expectation of receiving those two items as compensation for their assistance. Lady Deathstrike jumps in to stop the two from fighting, though she does say that Omega Red had a point in that they hadn't seen any compensation yet. In the meantime, Logan crawls over to Amiko, and with his claws, frees her from her restraint.
Sabretooth grabs a hold of Lady Deathstrike and Omega Red's head to headbutt each other. He runs over to Logan and Amiko, grabs them, and teleports out of there, a split second before Omega Red's tentacle and Lady Deathstrike's nails smashes into the couch where the three had once been. Omega Red and Lady Deathstrike are left with nothing.
In the middle of a forest in the nighttime, Sabretooth and Logan are seen together, Logan on the ground, Sabretooth staring over him. Amiko was nowhere to be found. Sabretooth gives Logan two choices: they could either face off against one another to the death, and if Logan wins, Logan can leave; or, Logan could go look for Amiko, and if Logan finds her first before Sabretooth stops Logan, Logan and Amiko could leave. Sabretooth also mentions to Logan that he had discovered something called the Logan files within the files that he had stolen from the Weapon X facility. He had taken a look at the files, and he reveals that they contained the lost memories that Logan had been looking for. He would give the files to Logan too if he manages to find Amiko and escape before he finds them. Realizing that without a healing factor, he didn't stand a chance against Sabertooth, Logan takes the second option.
At the Weapon X compound, Agent Kane had been monitoring Creed's transporter, and this time, they had managed to find out where Creed had teleported to. As the location was displayed on the map, the director looks in shock as to the location that Sabretooth had teleported to.
To the forest, where Logan was making his escape with Sabretooth on his heels. Logan knows that Sabretooth knows him too well, but Logan also knows that it works the other way around: he knows Sabretooth too well as well. He plans his attack from the top of a tree. When Sabretooth appears, Logan jumps off the top of the tree, unleashes his claws, and rips open Sabretooth's back. Sabretooh recovers, throwing Logan into a tree. Logan tries to kick Sabretooth, only to have Sabretooth grab a hold of Wolverine's foot (which had been wounded by Lady Deathstrike) and tears a chunk of flesh out of it. Logan grabs his foot in pain. With his other foot, however, he kicks Sabretooth into a pit filled with sharpened stakes, impaling Sabretooth. Logan flees as Sabretooth slowly made his way out of the pit.
Much later in the forst, as Logan, still in pain, finds himself face-to-face with the old Weapon X compound, abandoned yet still standing. Inside, Logan walks around, memories of what had happened in there back when he was being experimented on flashing through his mind. As he rummaged through a chamber to see if there was anything that he could use to help his legs, Sabretooth bursts through the window of a control room and pins Logan to the floor. Logan grabs a nearby scalpel and rams it through Sabretooth's right eyeball. Logan flees, though as he leaves, he slices open a few old container containing unstable chemical. The room blows up as he flees.
Outside, the Weapon X guards and the director had arrived. The director has a brief memory flashback, back when Logan had escaped and carved up his face, thinking of how the compound was "battered ... bruised ... a shell of what it once was, perhaps ... but still standing ... still here" ... just like himself. They enter the compound.
Back inside, Logan finds his way to the facility's exhaust pit, where he suspects Sabretooth would be keeping Amiko. Inside, he finds the Logan files, which he now believes that he could use it to find out his past. To his left, he finds Amiko, bloodied, unconscious, and tied up. He tries to wake her up, only to realize that she wasn't breathing. From above, Sabretooth, who was watching, tells him that he had said that Logan could find her, though he never said what condition she was going to be in. The two battle it out, but Sabretooth has the advantage. With Logan, bloodied and severely wounded, on the ground, Sabretooth picks up the Weapon X file case, and opens it up, revealing to Logan that there was nothing inside.
In the meantime, as the director and the Weapon X guards were rushing through the corridors to the location where Wolverine and Sabretooth were (Agent Kane notes that there were two vital signs, of which Logan's was extremely low), the director calls to headquarters to have them activate the MPC and target it on Sabretooth. Against their wishes, for the mutant being used, Leech, was already in a very weakened state inside and further use of the weapon may kill him and result in the loss of his mutant power's use to them forever, they launch a blast from the weapon.
Back to Sabretooth, as he tells Logan that the Weapon X program never had his memories to begin with. He tells Logan that the program had simply been dangling this "prospect of Logan finding out his true memories) in front of Logan all these years to make Logan believe that it was them, the program, to blame for his missing past. Sabretooth tells Logan that he, Logan, had no one else to blame for his missing past but himself ... his healing factor. According to Sabretooth, Logan's healing factor not only heals his body, but his mind as well, so therefore, anything that he, Logan, didn't want to remember, his healing factor could simply heal over it, like it never happened, and therefore, he had no one else to blame but himself. Logan kept refusing to believe Sabretooth, even after Sabretooth runs his fisted claws through Logan uses his claws on Sarbretooth's chest. Sabretooth comments cynically on Logan's final parting shot, only to realize that he was feeling weak and wasn't healing. Logan realizes that Sabretooth must've been blasted by the program's weapon, the same weapon that had been used on him. He unleashes his other claw through Sabretooth's neck. Realizing that he was dying already, Logan was determined to take Sabretooth with him, only to be stopped by the clicking of weapons. The director of the Weapon X program had arrived with the Weapon X program guards. The director tells Logan that he shouldn't believe anything Sabretooth had been telling him, especially about certain files. Sabretooth hits a button on his teleporter and disappears in a hail of gunfire. The director and the guards rush down into the compound. Logan, even though weakened from his fight with Sabretooth, prepares himself to fight off the Weapon X guards, only to collapse onto the floor. The doctor that had been accompanying the director checks on Logan, only to find no pulse. They were too late; Wolverine had died.
(Sidestory: in Japan, Matsuo Tsurayaba is seen writing, realizing that midnight was fast approaching. Matsuo was writing out a will, realizing that it was now time for him to accept his fate and make peace with it. He recalls how that day when Logan's love, Mariko Yashida, had died in Logan's arms and how Logan swore he would take a piece of Matsuo every year on the anniversary of Mariko's death. He recalls that no matter what his efforts were ... surrounding himself with plenty of bodyguards ... surrounding his facility with trained ninjas of the organization known as the Hand ... how he had equipped himself with a bionic arm and trained himself in the martial arts, only to have Logan still able to overcome all these obstacles throughout the years. This time, Matsuo has come to accept his fate, and he planned on taking his own life before Logan would have the chance to carve another piece out of him. As the clock strikes midnight, Matsuo prepares to accept his fate. When 12:01am rolls around, Matsuo opens his eyes, looks around in disbelief as Logan had not arrived. Matsuo knows that every year, at exactly 12:00am, Logan would come and do his deed, but he wonders what could have possibly made Logan break his vow? As these words were spoken by Matsuo, Logan's bloodied carcass is seen being zipped up in a bodybag.)