X-Men #125

2/3/2024 8:03:49 AM


  Lilandra orders her ship to self-destruct and make her fleet to war. Araki says she's brought doom on the galaxy; he knows Xavier is a Mummudra (an evil doppelganger) and controlling her. Lilandra orders G-Type to kill him; Scott and Xorn arrive and rescue him; Nova makes Lilandra jump off a balcony, but Xorn catches her. Nova threatens to put Scott in his bug room forever and says he's pathetic; Scott analyzes her but can't stop her in Xavier's body, so he lets her transport to earth. Xorn warns Scott that the ship is about to explode; it does.

  Angel flies to Xavier's office, with the Cuckoos directing her telepathically; they want Nova's DNA sample from the lab. Angel finds Beak naked in a tank and frees him. ("I deserve pants as a basic human right.") They want to get Emma out of her anti-telepathic helmet; Beak suggests they ask Stuff, and that works.

  Jean is badly feverish from micro-Sentinels; she says Nova can see through space and time, and she stops Hank from using a Sentinel inoculation to keep Nova's body alive, realizing Nova wants that. Jean's been making room in her head to store Xavier's mind.

  Nova arrives at the school, so Hank gets the students into the Danger Room; the press wants to fight or at least televise the fight, but Hank says this is beyond humans and their laws. Trish is there and tries to apologize, but Hank defensively jokes and leaves.

  The Imperial Guard goes to stop Nova, leaving Logan to guard the mansion. Jean goes to Xavier: "Die, Charles. I'm going to catch you." Xavier shares her head and sees Nova coming; Nova has plowed through the Imperial Guard and says Xavier's next.


  Cover name was changed to "New X-Men" for Issues 114 - 156.