X-Men #50
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1996
- Month
- 3
- LastChanged
- 2/3/2024 2:13:33 AM
Full Court Press
- Writer - Scott Lobdell
- Penciler - Andy Kubert
- Inker - Cam Smith
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Colorist - Joe Rosas
- Colorist - Electric Crayon
- Editor - Bob Harras
Xavier says he named Scott Cyclops because of his power and because of his single-mindedness. Scott, Ororo, and Bobby are under attack, and losing. Ororo can't remember what happened or where they are, but her ankle is twisted; Scott has lost his visor; Logan is scratched up; Bobby is unconscious and his chest shattered.
Xavier, awakened, senses their thoughts but can't locate them. Gateway appears above his bed; Bishop bursts in with big guns to stop him; Xavier says they have to go with him to find their teammates; Jean bursts in, disagrees, and knocks Gateway cold. She finds it curious that a supposed friend has been ambushing them, and that he did it so sloppily that they were able to stop him.
Bobby is understandably freaked, not sure what will happen if he returns to human form. Logan and Ororo realize their current landscape is artificial; Logan senses an invisible presence and lashes out, revealing Post, who has been monitoring them for Onslaught. He continues the test, knocking down Ororo and Logan and disappearing.
Banshee says Gateway took Chamber but then returned him without explanation. Xavier can't read Gateway's mind (someone should make a list: Gambit, Shadowcat, Wolverine...). Then a psionic being appears in the X-mansion.
Scott realizes this is just like a Danger Room session; then the four of them start bickering and attacking each other. It's a ruse: Scott, Ororo and Bobby blast in the direction Logan hinted at, slamming Post, who feigns defeat, then blasts Bobby with heat. Battle continues.
Hank posits that Onslaught is conducting tests in his headquarters and didn't want anyone with psionic powers there; Gateway tried but failed to sneak Chamber in.
Post considers forcing Scott and Logan to kill each other and claims to know everything about the X-Men. Suddenly the ground shakes; Ororo and Bobby try to destroy everything in the area, realizing Post and the environment are linked. Logan slashes a hole in Post's armor so Scott can blast him full-force. Test over.
The psionic being in the mansion berates Gateway for claiming falsely that the X-Men could stop Onslaught. It departs into the sky.