Spider-Man 2099 #15
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1994
- Month
- 1
- LastChanged
- 2/25/2024 12:28:36 PM
- Writer - Peter David
- Penciler - Rick Leonardi
- Inker - Al Williamson
- Lettering - Rick Parker
- Colorist - Steve Buccellato
- Editor - Joey Cavalieri
- Editor in Chief - Tom Defalco
In a message to Henri (Meanstreak of the X-Men) Jordan Boone describes Valhalla, the new project of Alchemax and he plans to get involved whether Alchemax likes it or not. A guard finds him and knocks him unconscious. Gabriel's jealousy rises as Kasey continues to talk about Spider-Man and cleaning up Downtown. Tyler tries to put the moves on Dana, and Dana seems susceptible. Lyla continues to mislead Dana about Miguel. Conchata is still at Wellvale following the exploits of Spider-Man and recalling her own forgettable past Downtown.
Spider-Man continues his battle with the Fenris, and meets their leader Bloodsword. He dispatches him with ease, and the residents beg Spider-Man for blessings and miracles. Miguel returns Uptown and breaks up Tyler's moves on Dana. He learns that Jordan Boone no longer works for Alchemax. Tyler takes Miguel and Dana to Valhalla, the floating city, just as the city is about to become fully operational. The city buckles and rocks as it begins to move. Suddenly two men appear in the sky, claiming to be Thor and Heimdall, ready to bring the world to the Golden Age and to wipe out all false harbingers.