Spider-Man 2099 #14
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1993
- Month
- 12
- LastChanged
- 1/14/2024 12:05:06 AM
- Writer - Peter David
- Penciler - Tom Grindberg
- Inker - Don Hudson
- Lettering - Rick Parker
- Colorist - Eva Grindberg
- Editor - Joey Cavalieri
- Editor in Chief - Tom Defalco
- Writer - John Francis Moore
Boone and the other Alchemax guards tell Stone how the Net Prophet escaped while he met with Avatarr. He had the power to warp the space around him, making all weapons fired useless as they reached the "shield" around him. He then leaped into the interdimensonal portal. Thanatos tried to return through the gate, but Boone shut the power off, and his carbonized arm fell out amid his screams of agony. Back at his apartment, Miguel cauterizes the Prophet's wounds closed, with no sound from his patient. Spidey then learns that something is wrong with Lyla. The Net Prophet still does not understand his powers, but he learns of his psionic abilities as well: in pulling Spidey to safety, he teleported them to the place that Miguel felt safest. Lyla returns, and lies to Miguel about Dana's whereabouts. At Kasey's place, Gabriel learns that she has suffered a bad concussion due to the gunshot he grazed her with.
Meanwhile, the Prophet vaguely describes the end of the Heroic Age. He also believes he has a daughter. The Prophet then teleports the two of them Downtown to St. Patrick's Cathedral, where they stop a raid by the Fenris. Spider-Man sees Kasey collapse and takes her to a doctor. The Net Prophet realizes he needs to explore this world on his own, and he bids Spider-Man farewell.