Spider-Man 2099 #13
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1993
- Month
- 11
- LastChanged
- 2/25/2024 12:26:00 PM
- Writer - Peter David
- Penciler - Rick Leonardi
- Inker - Al Williamson
- Lettering - Rick Parker
- Colorist - George Roussos
- Colorist - Steve Buccellato
- Editor - Joey Cavalieri
- Editor in Chief - Tom Defalco
Kasey Nash continues to fantasize about Spider-Man. Avatarr, the CEO of Alchemax, makes an appearance to reprimand his officers for the poor handling of Spider-Man, the Ravage family, Doom, the new X-Men, and other newly surfacing heroes.
While the Net Prophet gathers his bearings, some employees claim that the prophet of Thor has arrived, to which Thanatos replies, "Thor is dead. I know. I was there." The Net Prophet recognizes Thanatos claiming he is evil. The Prophet's hands glow, ready to do battle, but he is too weak to act and he still cannot remember who he is. Spider-Man intervenes, but he also seems unable to harm Thanatos, who reads the dismayed thoughts of the S-Man. Thanatos claims the Prophet's powers have been weakened or mutated by entering this dimension. He guts the Prophet to within inches of his life. Stone's guards open fire, and Thanatos and Spidey are thrust into the gate. In the imagined reality of Interspace ("one stop removed from the nexus of all realities"), they do battle. Thanatos claims he has been wandering Earth discorporated and powerless since the Heroic Age. Boone's experiments gave him the energy to reform and possess the body of "one whose last thoughts were hatred for you Spider-Man." Back in our reality, the Net Prophet escapes his captors with a force bubble to protect himself so that he may help his black-clad savior. Spider-Man learns that he can inject Venom by biting his prey, which fells Thanatos. As Spider-Man runs for his life, he grabs a friendly hand from nowhere, and he is pulled out of Interspace and back to his apartment where the Net Prophet sits bleeding.