Spider-Man 2099 #12
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1993
- Month
- 10
- LastChanged
- 1/14/2024 12:03:50 AM
- Writer - Peter David
- Penciler - Rick Leonardi
- Inker - Al Williamson
- Colorist - George Roussos
- Lettering - Rick Parker
- Editor - Joey Cavalieri
- Editor in Chief - Tom Defalco
In the Virtual Unreality Lab at Alchemax, Jordan Boone is unharmed by an explosion from his experiments in exploring a trans-dimensional portal. Tyler Stone continues to get personal with Dana while Thanatos lurks outside. He attacks while Dana cancels her date with Miguel. Thanatos easily takes care of the Public Eye Flyboys that come to rescue Stone. While Dana prays, Thanatos quips that her God is dead. "I was one of the pallbearers." Arriving on the scene at Synthia East, Spider-Man substitutes himself for Dana as a captive of Thanatos. Back home, Lyla suffers a systems failure due to unprogrammed emotion. Thanatos, Stone, and Spidey arrive at Alchemax, and Thanatos is led to the VU lab, where Jordan Boone has just retrieved a life form from his interdimensional gate. Thanatos is interested in the lost works of Reed Richards which has been weakly recreated. As Spider-Man saves Boone from being thrown into the gate himself, Thanatos draws off the energy of the portal. Thanatos claims Spider-Man will join him as he enters the portal. Eventually Spidey pulls Boone out of the other dimension, but Boone brought a new player out with him-- the Net Prophet!