Uncanny X-Men #407

1/27/2024 7:55:30 AM
Glaubiger, Heiler,Gefallener


  Distorted images: the Church of Humanity on the march, the Crucifixion of Christ, Kurt crucified, the Supreme Pontiff.

  Kurt wakes from the nightmare and finds himself in Langhagen's cabin. He's a mutant fire-breather, and they were in the circus together.

  Jon is outside looking at the Alps; Kurt ported out of the exploding Blackbird with him (iss. 405), blindly, and he overshot. Kurt envies Langhagen's life, isolated on a mountaintop, with no confusions, peaceful, and he's in no rush to call the X-Men.

  At dinner that night, Kurt explains Sean: he decided he had the answer and acted single-mindedly on it. "They all do, eventually," Kurt says discontentedly. Langhagen has heard of Xavier's school and thinks it sounds good for Kurt; he says he's been "relegated" to field work but would rather teach. Jon wonders if he's shell-shocked and leaves, outraged (note: Gordon-Bennett was an outrageous playboy in Victorian England). He telepathically calls Stacy, waking her. She's furious at the intrusion in her skull and finds Warren, who's distracted with the dismantling of X-Corp's base, corporate politics on his cell phone, and the president of the EU, who just wants the mutants to leave. Jean gets his attention, contacting him via Cerebra and giving him Kurt and Jon's coordinates. He wonders why Kurt didn't call them himself.

  Langhagen worries about Kurt, who's brooding; Kurt says he's having doubts about Xavier's dream. He teleports out to find Jon, who says he thought he was the most well-adjusted of them, but Kurt's been having nightmares. Before he can explain, the X-Men arrive in a helicopter.

  Kurt says he was sure they'd take care of X-Corps without him, and Bobby's worried about his lack of commitment and suggests a sabbatical. Kurt says things are unclear, but Warren says the X-Men need him and he needs them. Kurt agrees.

  Stacy, meanwhile, tells Jon to stay out of her head. He says he called her because nobody else would pay attention to him.

  Kurt thanks Langhagen for the hospitality and is sure he's happy alone; the X-Men leave.

  Note: some (attempted) translations of the German:

  Gläubiger, Heiler, Gefallener. Believer, healer, fallen.

  Tetuedeb netsiem ma rid saw sad. Backwards for, Das was dir am meisten bedeutet, That which is most important to you, in German.

  Mir geth es gut, danke. Typo for, Mir geht es gut. It's fine with me.

  Vielleicht schulde ich dir eine erkalrung. Maybe I owe you an explanation.

  Soll ich euch allein lassen? Should I leave you alone?

  Nein, das is night nötig. No, that's not necessary.

  Ja, wir sind feuer und eis. Aber das feuer is machtiger. Yes, we are fire and ice. But the fire is mightier.

  Ich schätze, du hast recht. I reckon you're right.

  Lebe wohl und würde. Live well and worthy.