Uncanny X-Men #320
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1995
- Month
- 1
- LastChanged
- 1/22/2024 6:28:27 PM
The son Rises in the East
- Plot - Scott Lobdell
- Script - Mark Waid
- Penciler - Roger Cruz
- Inker - Tim Townsend
- Colorist - Steve Buccellato
- Lettering - Bill Oakley
- Editor - Bob Harras
- Editor in Chief - Tom Defalco
Note: this is part 1 of the Legion Quest crossover.
There's a storm in the desert, but Ororo is still unable to get Legion's attention. Bishop is unable to siphon off his energy, and Jean is barely holding herself upright, while Bobby and Betsy hide under an ice shield. Ororo realizes they were arrogant to think they could overcome Legion.
Flashback: the X-Men land in Israel and see the army and the PLO working together, so things must be bad. Gabrielle briefs them: their attack was thrown back with heavy casualties, Legion has erected a black dome in the desert, his energy readings are off the charts, and the government is considering a nuclear strike. Legion has recently emerged from his coma and overcome his schizophrenia; his unified mind is "ten times" as powerful as his father, Xavier. The X-Men go to see what they could do.
Legion finally speaks to Ororo, and since she's unhappy with what he's done there, he teleports them both back in time to Cairo, where she witnesses the jet crashing into her building, about to kill her mother. She instinctively races to rescue her, but there's no time, and they wind up back in the Negev. Legion says time travel is his newest power and he intends to change history. Bishop rushes him and gets felled, but that makes an opening for Bobby and Jean to attack.
Flashback: as they approached, Legion telekinetically grabs the Blackbird, then makes it disappear. Jean congratulates him on his progress in healing his mind, but fails to convince him he needs more work. Legion says he plans to fortify his father's dream.
Ororo realizes Legion plans to go back in time and remake Xavier's dream. She grabs Betsy and has her spike Bishop, who still has some of Legion's chronal energy. When he ports away, they all go with him, leaving Jean alone in the desert.
Jahf knocks down Gladiator to warn Lilandra of "the end of all that is."
Note: continued in X-Men II:40.