Uncanny X-Men #319

1/22/2024 6:28:17 PM
Untapped Potential


  Note: this occurs after the Rogue limited series.

  Bobby makes an ice castle for Rogue on the Long Island shore; he remembers his father criticizing his sand castles, saying you don't get ahead by dreaming. He's been feeling like a slacker since Emma Frost took over his body.

  Xavier dreams of Israel, where he and Magneto were friends. He says he's always drawn his resolution from Magneto, and wonders what would have happened if he had never been around.

  Bobby thanks Rogue for driving him home for a visit and says Remy's a jerk for playing with her head. She begins to defend him, but Bobby points out the surprise wife, and she calls herself pathetic. "There's nothing pathetic about wanting to be loved, Rogue." They show up at the Drakes three hours late, so dad is ticked already.

  Warren arranges for Betsy to sing at a nightclub he owns. He mentions that although he lost Worthington Enterprises (X-Factor 21), he still has a personal fortune, then he makes his move, and she lets him fly off with her.

  Mrs. Drake serves a late repast; Mr. Drake serves up insults until Bobby, fed up, ices over his newspaper. Dad doesn't like his girl friends: Italian, Japanese, or mutant (Zelda, Opal, Rogue). Bobby storms out, saying he's sorry to have disappointed him. Rogue says Bobby told her good things about his father but never mentioned he was a bigot.

  Dream-Magneto says he and Xavier have caused a war, and the world would have been better without him. He reveals himself to be Legion, Xavier's insane son.

  Warren dances with Betsy in mid-air. They joke that things are supposed to be more complicated, full of angst and plot twists, and then they kiss.

  Rogue sits with Bobby on the beach while he builds a sand castle. He says he always protected the underdogs and thought he learned that from his father. Rogue says his father is just wrong.

  Hank hears Xavier cry out and goes to wake him up. Xavier explains that Legion has reassembled his fractured psyche; Hank hopes that's a good thing, but Xavier says he's unlimited and unstable.