Uncanny X-Men #399

1/26/2024 9:54:27 PM
For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge


  Warren, blue and feathered, confronts the board of Worthington Industries (a.k.a. Enterprises), asking why they invested in the X-Ranch. (Note: there is a real-world Worthington Industries, NYSE:WOR, which processes steel.)

  Favreau is chauffeured to a baroque mansion in the Nevada desert, not sure what he's getting into. The madam, Drache, sends him upstairs to Bette, an obese mutant prostitute. He's repulsed, but she scans his mind for hidden erotic fantasies, and no touching is required.

  Kurt, overhearing electronically, is disgusted. Scott, alias Mr. Friese, enters in a white suit. Favreau, steaming, leaves satisfied after an hour. Scott questions Drache, who says they get protesters, but it's legal in this state, and they can defend themselves. She sends him to a dark room; Stacy has snake skin and secretes chemicals to arouse the passions. She licks Scott, who falls over, and when Warren lands on the balcony she kicks at him, but he takes her down.

  Kurt alerts him that the Church of Humanity is transporting into the lobby: they attack and shoot fire-breathing Drache, Bette, a green girl with leafy hair and her john, et al. Stacy and the X-Men call Bobby as reinforcement. The Churchmen teleport away, the ranch burns down, and the X-Men escape with Stacy as sole survivor.

  Rant: so, those who use words like "church," "repent," "sin," and "righteousness" must be crazy, gun-toting villains, although the X-Men oppose prejudiced stereotypes.