Uncanny X-Men #398
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 2001
- Month
- 11
- LastChanged
- 1/26/2024 9:53:42 PM
- Writer - Janine Casey
- Penciler - Sean Phillips
- Finisher - Ashley Wood
- Colorist - Hi-Fi Design
- Ass't Editor - Pete Franco
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Lettering - Saida Temofonte
- Editor - Mark Powers
- Editor in Chief - Joe Quesada
The Clash
The TV says Kane's uncool since she's pregnant with a mutie. She's not, really, but her fame is still in jeopardy.
The X-Men are with the London Morlocks, who moved to the sewers three years ago. The X-Men start leading them out, but they can't find Mr. Clean because he's jamming Cerebra.
Kane runs the gauntlet past the press and is attacked by robed men who neutralize Jon and kidnap her. Sim says he'll deal with it.
Clean finds the X-Men and Morlocks, and Bobby blocks him with an ice wall. Logan attacks from behind and is set ablaze by the flame thrower and a grenade. Doesn't stop him, and second round is hand-to-claw. Clean was chemically altered (and is uncuttable?), so it's nearly a fair fight, till Logan slices his fuel tank and throws a lighter. Fwoom.
Sim, on TV, agrees that Kane should abort, while the hotel kicks Jon out.
The Morlocks just want a quiet life and don't join Xavier's crusade. They thank the X-Men, and Harmony names her baby Hope.
The TV says Kane checked herself into the intelligence facility that took over mutant affairs when Moria died. She's not really pregnant, and she's suing the tabloids for defamation.
Kane meets Jon in a parking lot at night. Sim arranged her dramatic abduction; she thanks Jon for giving her image an edge and prolonging her career another 15 minutes. He feels used; she admits she's sold her soul for platinum records.
At Heathrow, the X-Men reassemble on the Blackbird. Jon is already aboard, having learned his lesson. He never liked her music, anyway.