Uncanny X-Men #397
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 2001
- Month
- 10
- LastChanged
- 1/26/2024 9:53:25 PM
- Writer - Joe Casey
- Penciler - Sean Phillips
- Finisher - Melvin Rubi
- Inker - Danny Miki
- Colorist - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Lettering - Saida Temofonte
- Colorist - Hi-Fi Design
- Ass't Editor - Pete Franco
- Editor - Mark Powers
- Editor in Chief - Joe Quesada
A Complete Unknown
Jon and Kane (who is Welsh) visit the Fractured Überclub in Manhattan, where freaks go to drink. She introduces him to Colby Lee, a fat performance artist with a taste for the grotesque. He loves Jon.
The X-Men still in London see the locals are more skittish since Xavier went public (X-Men II:116). Warren uses Cerebra to find the surviving London Morlocks.
Kane practices in Wembly Arena and has Jon make a flare, while her manager Sim glares. His mother was wounded by a mutant, and he warns Jon everyone dislikes him and may beat him up.
The Morlocks are fleeing to the Chunnel to escape England. They wonder if the legendary X-Men really exist and were the ones trying to help them.
Logan, having decided to give Jon guidance, confronts him in the gents'. He says they're just there to catch him if he falls and beats up a rude bodyguard on the way out.
Mr. Clean reports to his superiors, who use churchly nomenclature and have engineered him to kill mutants.
Kurt, Warren, and Bobby, waiting in the Underground for Logan, are attacked by anti-mutant skinheads. Bobby just ices them over.
Kane's popularity soars, and Jon feels oddly at home in the midst of the freak show. A tabloid announces she's having his baby.
The X-Men find the Morlocks and say they want to help.