X-Force #59
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1996
- Month
- 10
- LastChanged
- 1/27/2024 9:37:39 PM
Are you now or have you ever been?
- Writer - Jeph Loeb
- Penciler - Anthony Castrillo
- Inker - Bud LaRosa
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Colorist - Marie Javins
- Enhancement - Malibu
- Editor in Chief - Bob Harras
In one of Cable's safe-houses upstate, X-Force interrogates Shatterstar, trying to tell if he is really Benjamin Russell. He believes he is both. Rictor returns to help his friend, and the team convinces Cable to help Shatterstar, rather than punishing him.
Cable tells James he has feelers out, trying to locate Risque. He meets with Jones, who tells him all police files on X-Force are missing.
X-Force goes to the Weisman Institute, which has been made to look abandoned. They search the place but find nothing.
Gog and Magog attack them in the PACRAT and port away with Shatterstar and Cable.
Longshot shows up in time to land the out-of-control PACRAT.