Transformers: Micromasters #1

DreamWave Productions
2/21/2024 7:52:24 PM
Destined for Nothing


  Big Daddy is leading a team of Micromasters on a rescue mission when they're suddenly attacked by a squad of Decepticon Micromasters. Admist the trash-talking and confusion, Crunch gets killed, causing both sides to stop in stunned disbelief, and the Autobots quickly retreat.

  A rocket lands at the Iacon Autobase, as Countdown and Groundshaker return from their long-term space mission; confused by the lack of ground support and overall desolation, they enter Autobot Command and contact Ultra Magnus and Fortress Maximus. Originally on a mission to find Optimus Prime and the Ark, Countdown and Groundshaker separated from Omega Supreme and Jetfire eons ago to improve their search. They eventually found a planet called Paradron, which was nearly decimated by the Decepticon Skystalker. After stopping Skystalker, the two have returned to Cybertron in pursuit of a larger goal -- to stop the spread of Decepticons throughout the universe. When Fortress Maximus tries to explain that Cybertron has fallen into disarry since their departure, Groundshaker chews them out for their narrow-minded incompetence, and Countdown leads him away with resignation.

  As they leave, they pass a disgruntled Big Daddy and his Hot Rod Patrol, who also have a word with the Autobot leadership. Big Daddy is frustrated with the Micromasters' lot -- risking their lives to benefit their larger, less-efficient comrades -- and sees Crunch's useless death as a sign of the problem. Instead of sympathy, however, he gets nothing but a terse dismissal from Ultra Magnus, and the Micromasters stomp out.

  Things aren't any better at Decepticon headquarters, where Blitzwing and Octane are harassing Micromasters while enjoying their large portions of energon. Barricade leads the Race Track Patrol to see Shockwave, who explains that the larger Decepticons got the energon first because they had a greater need. Barricade doesn't buy the story, however, and leads the Decepticon Micromasters away.

  In the Autobase Armory, the Hot Rod Patrol and the Battle Patrol get into a tussle over their loyalty -- or lack thereof -- to the cause. Big Daddy ends the bickering by declaring that their fighting is pointless, that he's tired of fighting his Micromaster brethren for a war they never supported. Road Handler refuses to take sides, and the Hot Rod Patrol walk out on the Autobots.

  As Big Daddy leads his group for Little Iacon, they run through the Wastelands, where they run into the equally-frustrated Race Track Patrol. Instead of fighting, however, Big Daddy and Barricade talk about their mutual mistreatment from both factions. Before the discussion continues, however, they're suddenly ambushed by the Deluxe Insecticons!