Transformers: Micromasters #4
- Publisher
- DreamWave Productions
- Year
- 2004
- Month
- 10
- LastChanged
- 2/21/2024 7:53:24 PM
Victims of the Revolution
- Writer - James McDonough
- Writer - Adam Patyk
- Penciler - Rob Ruffolo
- Inker - Erik Sander
- Colorist - Sigmund Torre
- Colorist - Eric Burns
- Colorist - Josh Perez
- Colorist - Josh Burcham
- Lettering - Ben Lee
At his rocket base, Countdown greets the returning Hot Rod Patrol, who seek his help against the Decepticon attack on Little Iacon (see last issue). Countdown assures them he's aware of recent events, and authorizes Groundshaker to lead the rescue. Hubs has some skepticism about Countdown, but Big Daddy assures him that they're doing this only because it will make a difference. With everyone on board, Countdown informs them that they're heading for Decepticon Headquarters...
...where Shockwave is rallying the Decepticons before their attack on the Autobots, while he monitors them from headquarters. The rally ends, and we see that it's a ruse, with Skyhopper and Skystalker using Shockwave's head to send the Decepticons on a suicide mission. Skystalker explains to the Race Track Patrol that the ensuing attack will critically weaken both Autobots and Decepticons, causing them to shut down, which will leave Cybertron ripe for the Micromasters to take over. But Barricade is skeptical; he remembers how the Decepticons would simply use them for their own ends, and suspects Skystalker of being from the same cloth.
At Autobot Headquarters, Maximus grows frustrated at his inability to form a lasting peace, but allows Ultra Magnus to convince him that an offensive attack to rescue the Micromasters at Little Iacon might help end the war.
Meanwhile, Countdown and the Hot Rod patrol are sneaking into Decepticon headquarters when they're suddenly spotted by Ransack and Chop Shop. Joined by Roadhandler, the Micromasters fight back and quickly decimate Barrage, Venom, and Ransack. But as the Race Track Patrol arrives, Barricade gets shot by Trip-Up, and is unable to get the Micromasters to unite against Skystalker. Instead, the Race Track Patrol and the Hot Rod Patrol begin shooting at each other, even as Countdown escapes in the confusion.
While the Autobots and Decepticons are fighting each other in the Wastelands, Countdown reaches the control room at Decepticon Headquarters, where he finds Shockwave's head. As he bemoans Skystalker's depravity, Skystalker attacks! Countdown is quickly wounded and pinned, but is saved by Big Daddy's timely intervention, and Skystalker escapes.
Back outside, the fight between the Hot Rod Patrol and the Race Track Patrol is interrupted by the arrival of Countdown, Big Daddy, and Barricade. Barricade apologizes to Motorhead for pushing him too hard, and Countdown explains that fighting for Skystalker is as futile as fighting for the Decepticons. He then asks them all to join him, not as Autobots against Decepticons, but as Micromasters against their energy-inefficient ancestors...
In the Wastelands, the Autobots and Decepticons are starting to shut down as their continued fighting drains the last of their energy. Countdown arrives and orders them to stop, and is joined by the other Micromasters. The Micromasters then throw down Shockwave's severed head as proof of their strength, prompting the stunned Decepticons quickly retreat. Ultra Magnus chides Countdown for his grisly display, but Countdown reiterates his warning that the war will inevitably drag them all down; in agreement, Maximus drops his weapons and walks away.
As Big Daddy watches Sidetrack lay dying, Countdown asks him for hims help in keeping the other Micromasters under control. Big Daddy refuses -- he is tired of being a pawn for others to achieve their own ends, whether it's territory, or energon, or "sacred missions." Pushed to his limits, Big Daddy turns away from Coountdown as well, and walks off to find his own way...