Exiles #46
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 2004
- Month
- 7
- LastChanged
- 1/17/2024 9:31:21 PM
Earn your Wings
- Writer - Tony Bedard
- Penciler - Mizuki Sakakibara
- Colorist - James Calafiore
- Lettering - Dave Sharpe
- Ass't Editor - Cory Sedlmeier
- Ass't Editor - Stephannie Moore
- Editor - Mike Marts
- Editor in Chief - Joe Quesada
Weeks ago, Magneto destroyed the mansion (NXM 147); it's funny how you're whole reality can change; one day, Beak was the biggest freak in school, and then he enrolled at Xavier's (NXM 117). Now he lives with Angel and their kids (NXM 141) on the grounds. He sees her as a hottie while she yells at him to come in for breakfast; he makes the kids wait and says grace, and he isn't bothered by the way they all eat: vomiting on their food like flies. He loves his life.
The Exiles drop into the ocean, and Clarice has Kevin scout around; he pops to the surface in shock, as Namora rises from the sea and introduces herself as their newest teammate. She's imperious, but T.J. welcomes her as a kindred pointy-eared chick. They see they're near the Statue of Liberty and get to shore to start reconnoitering. Namora doesn't trust the Timebroker and refuses to be ordered around.
This reality is really twisted: the Twin Towers aren't there, America is "the most feared country in the world," and the Terminator is governor of California. (Note: these are all true in reality, as perceived by critics of America, but the story takes place in the normal Marvel universe, a.k.a. 616.) The Tallus tells them, "Leave your possessions, and earn your wings," which explains nothing. Namora refuses to waste her time and starts to leave; Heather grabs her, so Namora knocks her into next Tuesday. Clarice blinks over to catch her, while the rest of the team proves unable to stop Namora, and she swims away. The team is unsure what to do next; Clarice decides to go somewhere familiar: Westchester.
Namor returns to his throne room in Atlantis for some privacy but finds Namora seated there. She's surprised to find her alternate self is a pink-skinned man, and they tussle till she warns him there's a threat to his realm.
The Exiles see the X-Men repairing the mansion, and T.J. realizes they've been there before (iss. 28). Beak, wearing Xorn's mask to look cool, sees them and asks who they are.
Namor takes Namora to the Baxter Building, to get the Fantastic Four's help. As she explains, trying to get help against the Timebroker, Namor slugs her and quickly has Reed put her in a containment unit. He says it's too dangerous to trust his other self, and there are five others who may try to change reality. Reed is convinced
The Exiles convince Beak to keep them a secret; the Tallus says Namora messed up, and they have to rescue her.