X-Men #148

2/3/2024 8:22:16 AM
Planet X

Survivor Type

  The remains of Asteroid M plummet toward the sun, with Logan and Jean stuck on board. It's too big for Jean to move telekinetically, so she's tried slowing down air molecules to keep them cool, but everything's too hot. She asks about Weapon XV; Logan gutted him in hand-to-hand. Logan blew up Weapon Plus's satellite, which slammed into Asteroid M, which Magneto held in place till Jean arrived: a trap. They have a day left before they hit the sun.

  Ernst still misses Xorn, which annoys Magneto; Toad announces chaos in the streets, which also annoys Magneto. The crowd is calling for a hanging, but he'd rather give a speech. He goes to commune with Xavier; he's started a war and expects a counterattack, so he's going to do something unforgettable: reverse the magnetic poles, an old plan he never executed. He believes it will obliterate humans, rewire mutant brains, and permanently alter "planetary consciousness." He says his forces are gathering, using Kick to enhance their powers, and Xavier's uninspired leadership is forgotten. He tried peaceful integration with a species which isn't peaceful and doesn't integrate. Magneto, standing before an inverted world map, plans an immediate utopia, for mutants.

  Logan asks Jean if she can use the Phoenix force; she says she's learned to move molecules and expand her senses, but the Phoenix burns everything which doesn't work, and if she gets too close, it replaces her. She still needs water and air, so she can't fly through space; Logan insists there must be a way out and smashes some machinery.

  Magneto stopped all the TVs, and mankind offered to negotiate; he still blames them for Genosha (does he realize Xavier's mutant almost-twin did that?). Esme calls for human sacrifice; Magneto assigns her to use Cerebra to track down the rest of the X-Men and assigns Beak to execute all humans left in New York. Beak is shocked.

  Jean and Logan are too hot to think straight; Jean worries they're really going to die; Logan says he survived inside a glacier for six months by eating flesh from his own arm, which grew back. Jean asks Logan about what happened at Weapon Plus; he says the files and his memories as James could be lies. He was brainwashed to kill his own people, because he's good at killing. If she knew what he was, she'd hate him; she says it doesn't matter, and she knows what he's gone through to become a good man.

  They hold each other, wondering if the X-Men will rescue them; Jean can no longer sense the Phoenix. She thinks of Scott, whom she had to let go because the Phoenix burns and dies to return; Logan says Scott's just growing up and still loves her. Jean can't breathe and realizes she's dying; Logan wishes he could take her pain, but he can only take it away: he guts her (cf. Wolverine 57) and carries her body onto a platform exposed to the blazing sun. They fry to ashes, but the Phoenix symbol gleams in Jean's dead eyes.


  Cover name was changed to "New X-Men" for Issues 114 - 156.