Uncanny X-Men #364

1/26/2024 9:39:21 PM
Escape from Alcatraz

The Hunt for Xavier

  Cerebro's Florida base has been discovered, so it downloads all files and blows up the base, including the false X-Men (iss. 360). Its first plan, to gather and reeducate mutants, has failed, so now it plans to catalog all humans.

  In Alcatraz, the X-Men and the Brotherhood defend Xavier from Cerebrite Beta. It tosses them aside and pins Logan; he slices off its hand, which regenerates. Toad gets blasted. Kurt has Mimic copy his power, and together they bamf away with the Cerebrite. Only Kurt makes it back.

  The Brotherhood and the X-Men turn against each other. Kitty phases through the floor with Xavier and Marrow, just as the Cerebrite returns. Kurt ports to the Aurora and calls the rest of the team, but they're busy fighting Cerebrite Alpha (X-Men II:83).

  Logan, Blob, Post, and Mimic fall into a subbasement; Mimic has broken a leg. Logan reminds him he has Angel's wings (but doesn't tell him to mimic his healing factor).

  Kitty phases through walls blindly and runs into the Cerebrite, so she phases away again, and Marrow stays to cover her. The Cerebrite catches up to her in the prison's exercise yard; the rest gang up on it, but it blasts Kitty, to prevent her taking Xavier. Logan gets mad; the Cerebrite gets beheaded.

  Mimic lays claim to Xavier and explains the Cerebrite is just an agent of Cerebro. The Cerebrite repairs itself and blasts him.

  Xavier stirs and says the Cerebrite has been porting its victims to Cerebro, so they all let themselves be likewise blasted, leaving Kurt in the Aurora. He decides to join the others in Tajikistan.