Uncanny X-Men #373

1/26/2024 9:44:29 PM
Broken Mirrors

Beauty and the Beast

  Note: this occurs after X-Men II:92.

  Marrow has a nightmare. After Mikhail ported the Morlocks to another dimension to save them from a flood (iss. 293), he made them battle each other in a desert, the prize being promotion to the citadel to serve him.

  She wakes at dawn; she and Piotr are in a hotel in Massachusetts, and he is sketching the dawn. He is confident the X-Men will survive their current crisis of faith, as he did after Illyana died (iss. 303).

  He drags her to yet another museum, in Boston, where his portrait of Illyana is hanging. Mikhail has been haunting it like a ghost. Marrow concentrates and is able to retract her bone growths, so she no longer needs an image inducer.

  In Egypt a cult welcomes the return of the Monolith (first in iss. 56), in a sarcophagus attended by Deathbird.

  A young man talks to Marrow; he's an artist, and she helps him hang his painting. But she loses control, and her bone growths spurt out. She quickly uses the image inducer while he and the guards freak.

  Mikhail sees Piotr; he opens a portal and sucks him and Marrow into the universe she grew up in. She sees Callisto and runs after her, while Mikhail says he has a plan to bring back Illyana.