Wolverine V3 #25

4/16/2005 5:13:00 PM
Enemy of the State


  Kitty descends from the sky and into Xavier's; she gets a donut and coffee and checks on Rachel, who's watching TV. No sign of Logan, and SHIELD is guarding the campus. Rachel liked one of the SHIELD agents but read his mind and learned he has a girlfriend and baby he didn't want her to know about. Kitty assures her not all men are creeps and asks why she's still up; she says the children's nightmares are keeping her awake. They note Hydra has Elektra now, and it's almost the midnight deadline for Logan to kill the President; superheroes are guarding the White House. Kitty goes up to bed; Rachel tells Logan he can make himself visible again.

  He does and reminds her he's holding Reed's terraformer; he's holding all Westchester hostage with it and warns her not to use any psychic powers on him. He drags her into Cerebra and orders her to use it to kill the President remotely.

  Fury and Cap are in the Oval Office; SHIELD reports another attack in Iowa, on a low-risk mutant with invisibility powers. Cap is certain Logan is still coming, but Iron Man and the Falcon fly patrol over DC and detect nothing.

  Logan forces Rachel into the Cerebra helmet and tells her to give the President a brain hemorrhage; the voices in his head argue, one noting how much Rachel is like her mother, and how nothing can stop him from raping all his favorite X-women. The terraformer falls to pieces; Rachel used Cerebra to access Reed's mind and says Logan has nothing now. She powers up, blasts him, and telepathically alerts the X-Men. Hydra observes all and tries to teleport Logan out, but they can only give him short jumps. Rachel tracks him by detecting the reactions of all the students he scares; he makes his way to the hanger, and since the hatch is locked down, he flies the jet right through the mansion and into the woods.

  Storm lowers the temperature to slow him, but he notes it's not enough to kill him, because that would kill the woodland animals. Northstar leads the students, ordering anyone under 10th grade back to the mansion. Logan hides behind a tree and guts two SHIELD agents as they pass. Havok blasts him but misses; he's always been scared of Logan, and Logan slashes him. Beast jumps him, but he teleports away again.

  Northstar notes how strange it is to be hunting a former friend; Kitty insists it's still Logan, and it's all Hydra's fault. Logan lunges at her; she phases; he impales Northstar, standing behind her. Kitty slams him with a tree branch, and Cyclops blasts him. He uses his final teleport but only gets a few feet away, and Cap arrives and slams him down with his shield. Report: 8 SHIELD are down, Havok badly injured, Northstar dead. Kitty is horrified.

  Elsbeth demands Strucker remove his ring; he asks her to remember his achievements and to use Elektra; he kneels, as the Gorgon prepares to behead him.

  Logan is sedated on the SHIELD helicarrier; Fury tells Capo they considered killing him, but they want to probe him for intel, plus it wasn't really his fault. He worries about what will happen now that the fanatics are in charge of Hydra, and he plans to use Logan as a weapon.