Factor X #3
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1995
- Month
- 5
- LastChanged
- 1/16/2024 5:21:13 AM
Open Wounds
After Xavier
The Age of Apocalypse
- Writer - John Francis Moore
- Penciler - Steve Epting
- Inker - Al Milgrom
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Colorist - Glynis Oliver
- Editor - Kelly Corvese
- Editor in Chief - Bob Harras
- Penciler - Terry Dodson
The Infinite guards in the Kennel are unableto restrain a mutant grizzly bear-Bengal tiger, soHavok puts it down. He challenges Scott, implying heknows about his attack on the Beaubiers, but then thetiger-bear recovers, and Scott has to kill it. Hetries to look at Havok's wounds, but he turns away inanger.
Jean sneaks into the facility in a prisoner transportwagon. She telekinetically knocks out a guard, thenanimates his body to make it march inside with her.She wants to warn Scott: he has to stop Apocalypsebefore the Human High Council nukes New York. Shefights past the Brain Trust's sedation and through thewreckage of Sinister's base. He had betrayedApocalypse, giving information to her and Logan toprevent the coming world war. A wolf attacks her; sheblasts its human mind, but then Havok attacks her.
Scarlett suspects she's pregnant, then the Bedlambrothers arrest her, and Angel does nothing to help,since he himself is under suspicion.
Alex directly accuses his brother of treason, thentakes him to Beast's lab, where Jean is underinterrogation. He has been fascinated by her since hefirst captured her. Sinister had tried to turn her,but she resisted, and then Logan returned to rescueher and Scott traded an eye for his hand.
Alex says Scott and Jean have been in cahoots eversince; they both deny it; Alex tells Scott to executeher; he refuses. Alex signals the Guthries to attack,and they knock out Scott. Alex gives him to Beast toplay with.
Jean forces through the telekinetic inhibitor on herhead and removes Scott's visor, blasting Beast. Sheknows Scott is decent at heart, helping to free theprisoners he can, and he agrees to help her liberatethe pens.
Apocalypse instructs Rex to liquidate the pens, nowthat Sinister is gone.