X-Calibre #3

1/16/2024 5:28:36 AM
Body Heat


  Mystique kills Callisto. "Hi, Mom." She takes Kurt to her frigid Antarctic base, and he asks her why she won't just go to Ava-lon. She avoids the question; he accuses her of fleecing her passengers; she says it's not her fault. She takes him by ferryboat to Marko and says she needs to talk to Des-tiny.

  En route, Cain tells him how he was a murderer, but is now a man of peace like his dead brother. They find Destiny with her adopted son, Doug. She is surprised to hear Mystique wants her to go back, takes her into the village to meet Switchback, and says they're all going to die.

  Damask is amazed at the beauty of Ava-lon; Wade wants to kill it all. He starts with a rocket launcher, which wounds Doug. Kurt tries to get Cain to defend his own, and the stress causes him an aneu-rysm. Damask attacks Wade, wanting to save Avalon, but he just regenerates. Till Kurt ports his head off, that is.