X-Factor #25
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1988
- Month
- 2
- LastChanged
- 5/29/2005 5:49:00 PM
Judgment Day
- Writer - Louise Simonson
- Penciler - Walt Simonson
- Inker - Bob Wiacek
- Lettering - Joe Rosen
- Colorist - Petra Scotese
- Editor - Bob Harras
- Editor in Chief - Tom Defalco
As the Horsemen attack Manhattan, X-Factor frees itself and battles Apocalypse aboard his Ship. He throws Scott and Jean down to the city to let them try to stop the Horsemen. Jean battles Famine, and Scott War, while Bobby and Hank fight Apocalypse.
Hank damages the Ship, and it careens into skyscrapers, including the Empire State Building. Power Pack helps Jean stop the antenna from falling. Pestilence attacks Power Pack and is killed. Warren splits the antenna in two, and it crashes to earth.
Aboard the Ship, Warren fights X-Factor. He destroys an ice statue of Bobby and thinks he killed him, which shocks him into turning against Apocalypse.
Apocalypse escapes with Caliban and leaves X-Factor his Ship. They crash land, narrowly missing the Statue of Liberty and crushing the old X-Factor complex.
Warren reveals that Hodge was the one who blew up his plane (iss. 15) — he did not attempt suicide. But Apocalypse has changed him, and he refuses to rejoin X-Factor.