X-Factor #66
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1991
- Month
- 5
- LastChanged
- 5/31/2005 9:29:00 PM
- Writer - Jim Lee
- Writer - Whilce Portacio
- Script - Chris Claremont
- Penciler - Whilce Portacio
- Inker - Art Thibert
- Lettering - Pat Brosseau
- Colorist - Glynis Oliver
- Colorist - Steve Buccellato
- Editor - Bob Harras
- Editor in Chief - Tom Defalco
Heroic Effort
Ship, out of control, attacks the city, and super-heroes from all over New York are kept busy rescuing people. Harddrive knocks out Jean while continuing to corrupt Ship's systems. Ship nevertheless warns Scott that Nathan Christopher is in danger. Askani arrives suddenly, mistakenly attacks X-Factor, thus allowing Foxbat to teleport away with the baby.
The police storm Ship, but it allows only Charlotte to enter. Gauntlet tries to abduct her and is foiled by Warren.
Hank is able to establish communication with Ship, which announces that it is dying but unwilling to be controlled by Apocalypse again. It rockets into space and plans to self-destruct, and Apocalypse prudently teleports his people away.
Hank tries valiantly to rewrite Ship's programming, but it explodes in space anyway.
Note: the second part of the Apocalypse Manifesto is appended to this issue, giving an analysis of Bobby and Hank.