X-Treme X-Men #12

2/3/2024 10:34:56 AM
Second Front


  Khan takes Ororo to his dimension, where he is a beloved leader, based in the real tower. He has his doctor heal her, over Shaitan's objections. Her spinal cord was almost severed, and Khan pours a skinwalker onto her, enveloping her, and then jumping to Shaitan so he can take her form. Ororo, unconscious, fights this process, creating a hurricane inside the base and impressing the aliens.

  The X-Men rescue civilians and attack aliens in the alleys of Lowtown Madripoor, while Viper hands out guns to the people and Sage eavesdrops on communications and makes plans. Viper says Ororo was overcome by Khan; Sage had watched her attack Ororo (last iss.), but did nothing.

  Neal gives Davis some water and a hug, helping deal with his new life as mutant warrior. Red Lotus is in the hospital. Sage wants to help Heather with her fluid genome, but she wants no part of that and blames her for getting her brother into this.

  Ororo is in luxurious captivity, observing everything. Khan proposes.

  Rogue uses new powers of TK and telepathy to help her, Neal, and Lucas impersonate Sabretooth, Logan, and Hulk and scare the aliens silly. Neal suspects Sage helped Rogue. The X-Men put on alien armor and plan to infiltrate the base; Rogue stays behind, refusing to consider killing Remy as a last resort, although his power keeps the portal open.

  Ororo falls for Khan, saying she won't be conquered, but she surrenders.