X-Treme X-Men #23
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 2003
- Month
- 6
- LastChanged
- 2/3/2024 10:37:19 AM
- Writer - Chris Claremont
- Penciler - Salvador Larroca
- Colorist - Liquid!
- Lettering - Tom Orzechowski
- Ass't Editor - Nova Suma
- Editor - Andrew Lis
- Editor - Mike Raicht
- Editor in Chief - Joe Quesada
- Editor - Mike Marts
Emma makes Ororo put on a schoolgirl uniform, because the Danger Room has been coded to recognize it as senior staff. Ororo breaks the lock, and they enter with some trepidation. The mansion's defenses are stopping anyone from getting in our out and all communication, even telepathy.
Emma senses the children, scared, and Bishop, in control. Tessa is shielded, which indicates a serious psychic threat. They find themselves in a replica of Bogan's lodge (iss. 20), where the staff prepares for a party. Emma realizes Garrett wouldn't have these memories, so it's coming from someone else. Ororo notices a dark nook, and they find Garrett's dead siblings rotting there.
At the party, Ryland has Tessa and Lucas chained and taunts them. Tessa points out he and the Talents were killed days ago, but they say flesh is transitory, and she should have joined them as part of Bogan. Bogan speaks through Ryland, saying Garrett was his Judas Boy, leading to Tessa and to Xavier's. Lucas is defiant; Bogan says he'll be controlled, too, and will kill all Xavier's allies but Emma, since they have unfinished business.
Ororo asks Emma about this; she denies all knowledge, though her eyes are bleeding, so Ororo slaps her and drags her to Ryland, offering a trade. Meanwhile, Bogan is able to retake control of Emma. Xander grabs Ororo; his touch has the power of pleasure or pain, and he tortures Ororo and Lucas. Garrett cowers in the corner; the villains had found him when he was desperate, and he sold out. Lucas tells him he can't change the past but only take responsibility for it; he teleports himself and the captive children away, which Bogan didn't think he'd be able to do.
Bogan still has the adults to play with; he uses a telepath to attack Ororo's mind, knowing how from Emma. Ororo knew he had a telepathic mole manipulating the mansion's systems (last iss.), and she planned for this. When a telepath enters her mind uninvited, she gets lightning. Ororo also sends a charge to Lucas, and they free themselves and Tessa and fight the villains, but every time they knock them out, the Danger Room recreates them even better. So Tessa hits the manual off switch, ending the scenario.
Xavier's image appears, finally able to reach them telepathically. He asks for an update, and for Ororo to lower the mansion's defenses.
Tessa says Bogan will try again; Xavier's and Ororo's teams greet each other; there's no telepathic residue of what happened; Xavier will give Garrett asylum despite the warrants against him. Ororo points out though Garrett killed in self-defense at the lodge, the maid was innocent, and keeping him from the authorities will discredit the school, and even Magneto submitted to a trial (X-Men I:200). Ororo is insistent: the law is meant to make everyone equal, and mutants shouldn't play by different rules. She tells Emma to watch over Garrett and says she'll investigate Bogan; Emma doesn't think the rich can be brought to justice. Jean tries to get Ororo to stay; she thinks it's time to leave the nest.