X-Treme X-Men #36

1/13/2007 6:59:00 PM
Storm: the Arena

  A woman in shadow enters a gladiatorial arena to the applause of the crowd.

  Earlier: Ororo flies from Texas to California with Remy, who gets a big welcome from Rogue. Lucas is a bit disturbed to learn he's part of another XSE; Ororo reassures him the future isn't predestined. She's going alone to deal with Voge's arena, while the team deals with Bogan. There's probably a connection, because they use the same thugs. Sam wonders if Ororo will need backup; she promises she'll call if she does, but Lucas confronts her, saying she's too proud to ask, and it will be the death of her; she says at least it will be in a good cause.

  She flies to Tokyo, thinking about the parents she barely remembers, killed in a war. Xavier's dream has become hers, but she's no teacher, and her team will stand to protect humanity. She finds Yukio on the roof of a building where they planned, just as she jumps off. Ororo catches her, yelling and asking if she's insane. Yukio just wanted to welcome her in style. Both women were recently crippled (iss. 11, Wolverine 173) and are out to prove themselves. Yukio says they need to look the part and brings out a gift for Ororo, who is reluctant to have another makeover (X-Men I:173). Yukio asks if she's afraid of the clothes or the woman they may set free.

  A large guard turns most people away from the Arena nightclub, but Ororo and Yukio get his attention, in outlandish, tight costumes and bright red wigs. As they enter, Ororo thinks about Yukio, a Ronin, or masterless samurai, wild and untamed, and she makes Ororo feel the same way.

  Inside is bizarre and decadent, with music so loud they can't hear each other talk. The oddly dressed patrons are part of the scene, their altered images projected on various screens. Ororo and Yukio are given special headsets and dance, and a scan identifies Ororo as a mutant. Yukio gets Ororo into a private room; Ororo manipulates the air at the door to deaden the music so they can talk. Ororo is having fun, which she doesn't often do; they women approach sexual tension but are interrupted by Koga, the club owner, who welcomes them (and looks like a Japanese Michael Jackson). He knows about them and invites them to greater adventures. He says they are by nature predators while most humans are just voyeurs, and he leads them through various dens of iniquity and into the dungeon, where the combat takes place.

  They watch Silkworm against Musclehead; she seems hopelessly outmatched but uses her power to wrap his arms behind his back. He gets angry and breaks free; Ororo flies down with lightning and parts them before he kills her. Silkworm doesn't appreciate the help and wraps her in fibers; Musclehead punches her through the gate, and Yukio is about to rush to her aid, but Koga has guards hold blades to her throat: Ororo chose to enter the arena and must play by the rules. Ororo uses her power to blow Silkworm's fibers back onto her and to blow against Musclehead. He muscles his way through it but slips on the ice she made; she punches and kicks him out, and Koga declares her the champion; she revels in the cheers of the crowd and wants more.