X-Treme X-Men #7

2/3/2024 10:33:48 AM
Getting Even


  Ororo and Neal planned to protect the Camerons, but instead Davis gets them to cover while Heather turns to living armor: she's a mutant. The Boxers are protected against wind and plasma, so the ladies switch to high-kicks, while Davis admires Ororo. She can't get free of two Boxers, so she flies and dumps them in the sea, then electrocutes another. Neal generates a plasma ball; super-hot air expands, making concussive force.

  Ororo blasts with sand and ice; Heather kicks; Davis bonks with his surfboard; Neal does his concussion trick, and the fight is soon ended. The police take the Boxers; the Camerons are unhappy to hear their real dad was the local godfather. Davis is angry he's now a target but without any control of the mob.

  The mob war has continued at the Cossacks' nightclub in Sydney, and Lucas and petty-theft detective Baltimore butt into Menzies' investigation. Lucas figures the mobsters will call a summit to settle Viceroy's succession, but somebody may try to wipe out the competition, so Baltimore takes him on her super-cool bike.

  Mastermind has Sage and her glasses, so team security is compromised. She cycles Sage through her past: as Tessa of the Hellfire Club, at Xavier's trained to be a spy, as a child found by Xavier. Each iteration, Xavier becomes more cruel. She wants to brainwash her to be Shaw's servant again.

  Davis feels left out and useless, but Ororo still likes him and takes him to Sage for safety. Heather takes the codename Lifeguard and says her power is whatever she needs at the time.

  Rogue flies in with Remy and Red Lotus, but when she lands, Shaw punches her through the building. She flies back and rams him, but he absorbs kinetic energy, including Remy's charges. Mastermind impersonates Sage and holds a gun on Remy; Red Lotus, who was faking unconsciousness, grabs him and jumps off the building.

  Rogue wakes in bed with Remy, miraculously able to kiss. Vargas appears and tosses in Neal, Ororo, and Sage, all dead, and then says she's not worthy of his attention. She is distraught and vows vengeance. It's all an illusion from Mastermind (who had been Remy, so…). She tells Shaw Rogue is primed to kill all the crimelords, so he can become the new Viceroy.

  Red Lotus bounces around and lands safely with Remy, who realizes Sage was really Mastermind. He asks him to rescue Sage, while he stops rogue Rogue.