X-Factor #44

5/30/2005 9:04:00 AM
Another World!

Judgment War

  Scott blasts a hole in the ground to avoid being crushed by the Celestial's foot (last iss.) and is helped by a Beginagain telepath (Ryest). Hank is mistaken for a Reject and taken by Zharkah to their city. Warren is a captive of the Chosen, mistaken for a Reject, and scheduled to battle in the Arena. Bobby is taken by Lev and mistaken for a Dualer — a being with 2 natures, both Chosen and Reject. Jean has been captured by the Neakj Clan and is still unconscious since being jammed.

  Seera and a science robot discuss the nature of this world: rather than physical reproduction, the Chosen are grown in vats by scientists. Imperfect babies are exiled to the Reject city. She buys Christopher from the soldier who captured him and plans to raise him as her own.

  The Beginagains are an coalition of Chosen and Rejects who want to live in peace. They tell Scott that their world has been visited five times by the Celestials for unknown reasons.