X-Factor #146
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1998
- Month
- 6
- LastChanged
- 6/4/2005 10:34:00 AM
Fairie Light
- Writer - Howard Mackie
- Penciler - Lee Moder
- Inker - Scott Koblish
- Colorist - Glynis Oliver
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Editor - Frank Pittarese
- Editor in Chief - Bob Harras
Alex's new team settles into their HQ on the Jersey side of the Hudson. Fixx, rebuffed by Shard, falls asleep, and her sprites subconsciously fly off.
One follows Archer to Brick Town, where he finds Jude Black's wife and son. He promises not to let them down again.
Another follows Greystone on a visit to Brian Young's family: drunk parents and battered sister. He scares the father.
Another follows Alex to a bar, where he meets Jamie and invites him to return to the team. He refuses, then reveals he has also invited Lorna.
Archer is attacked by mutates in retaliation for Black's crimes against Genosha. Fixx's sprite warns her; she assembles the team (including Alex, who leaves Lorna without explanation, again). They confront the mutates, who choose the better part of valor.