Wolverine V3 #27
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 2005
- Month
- 6
- LastChanged
- 11/5/2005 11:59:00 AM
Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D
- Writer - Mark Millar
- Penciler - John Romita Jr.
- Inker - Klaus Janson
- Colorist - Paul Mounts
- Lettering - Virtual Calligraphy
- Lettering - Randy Gentile
- Editor - Jennifer Lee
- Executive Editor - Axel Alonso
- Editor in Chief - Joe Quesada
Over Arkansas: SHIELD Helicarrier "Black Hawk" is attacked by super-powered beings resurrected by the Hand. They blast through the bulkheads and attack, hand-to-hand; Fury's men want him to evacuate, but he just says, "Are you guys outta your minds?" and opens fire with two machineguns. Northstar tackles him, points out everything he's built is going up in flames, and promises to make it quick.
Weinberg frantically frees Logan, despite the qualms of his technicians, since they're going to die anyway. They kill the lights; when the villains burst in, Logan begins picking them off one by one.
Battle rages throughout the helicarrier, and Logan continues to pick off villains; some enter an elevator and request evacuation. Too late: the power goes out, and when SHIELD opens the doors, they find them all dead.
Northstar and Elektra see Logan advancing. He warns Northstar he'll gut him again, but then the helicarrier starts exploding, and it crashes into the Arkansas farmland.
Hydra safe house, Fussen, Germany: Elsbeth heard Logan's voice over the link, but the Gorgon isn't concerned. They've taken out SHIELD's main command posts around the world, and if they get the material the need smuggled from Wakanda, they'll be able to unleash Reed Richard's weapon on the world. He's impressed with Reed's design and asks if he isn't really a mutant; Elsbeth says no, just gifted. The Gorgon orders the Dawn of the White Light to join Hydra and the Hand in the attacks.
Rescue workers have erected tents in Arkansas; the dead number in the hundreds, but Northstar and Elektra escaped, of course. Six SHIELD stations have been taken out simultaneously. Logan isn't listening; he's ashamed of what they found inside him to manipulate, and he doesn't know who to call first. He calls Ichiro, who's not happy to hear his son was murdered as bait for Logan; Logan vows revenge, but he won't be made happy by that: "Why must you kill everything you touch?" His wife takes the phone, asks for her son's body back for a decent funeral, and coldly says, "I want you to hurt them like no one in this world has ever been hurt before."
Logan suits up, against doctor's orders. He asks Weinberg for membership estimates: 1800 in the Hand, 49,000 Hydra, and 600 Dawn of the White Light. Weinberg asks if he's planning to go kill all 52,000 himself; Logan turns and says, "Bingo."