Wolverine V3 #31
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 2005
- Month
- 10
- LastChanged
- 11/5/2005 12:03:00 PM
Agent of Shield
- Writer - Mark Millar
- Penciler - John Romita Jr.
- Inker - Klaus Janson
- Colorist - Paul Mounts
- Lettering - Virtual Calligraphy
- Lettering - Randy Gentile
- Editor - Jennifer Lee
- Editor in Chief - Joe Quesada
- Cover Art - John Romita Jr.
- Cover Art - Richard Isanove
SHIELD agents pull the sword out of Logan's throat and ask if he's okay; he tells them to send agents to the infirmary to protect Fury and then uses his teleportation device to jump there.
The Gorgon holds Elektra by the throat; he knows she's taking money from the Vatican to kill him, which makes sense, since he opposes their God. She tells the SHIELD agents to shoot, but he says they're moving at the speed of thought, and when the agents open fire, he spins his sword, deflecting their bullets back at them and then slashing the survivors.
Logan's teleportation device is having trouble: the GPS must have taken a hit, and Dugan yells at him to get to the infirmary.
Gorgon breaks through to Fury's room; for the last two guards, he lowers his sunglasses, and his eyes turn them to stone. He beheads the statue, tells Fury, "Hail Hydra," and that he'll make his death quick. Fury tells him… well, Logan has switched to jet pack and bursts through the room, grabbing Gorgon and landing on the roof of the next building.
Logan realizes Gorgon hasn't been stopped by anything yet, and he tries not to match his skills but just slash away. He guts him with both hands, and Gorgon impales his left lung with his sword. Gorgon tells him he's an idiot for wanting a noble, warrior's death, and that he's accomplished nothing: destroying bases he didn't have 6 months ago and killing people who saw death as a reward. Then he gets nasty, reminding Logan of all the things the Hand made him do; Logan tries not to listen and to focus on the fight.
Gorgon says, "You've killed everything you have ever touched, Wolverine"; Logan wonders why he can't kill him, then. Two homeless men watch the fight; one wants to do something, but the other wisely keeps him out of it.
Gorgon chokes Logan, who's lost a lung. He wonders what his darkest shame is: Mariko, Northstar, or perhaps Rikuto, the boy who died who they could get to him. He lowers his sunglasses, but then Logan pops claws, and the sight of Gorgon's eyes is reflected back to him, turning him into stone. Logan smashes the statue to bits and then takes sometime for his body to recover. Spider-Man finds him, but he doesn't want help; he tells him to let Fury know he's sorry, but this isn't over, and he walks away.
Fury dictates a letter to Kitty: Elektra survived and is rebuilding the Hand in Eastern Europe; Hydra will probably reemerge even without Gorgon or the Struckers, but neither is a problem for her. He claims Northstar's body was never recovered, but at least the Hand didn't turn him; in reality, he's still in the lab, vicious. Fury get to Logan, the one Kitty really wants to hear about: he's been missing 11 weeks and left a trail of 1800 corpses from Jersey to Japan. He's searching for something, and Fury's having a hard time keeping this out of the papers. He tells Kitty to make sure Logan calls to thank him, whenever he returns to the mansion.
Logan takes Rikuto's parents to a grassy field; this is where their boy is buried; as they embrace each other, all Logan can do is apologize.