Wolverine #120
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1998
- Month
- 1
- LastChanged
- 2/11/2024 12:56:46 PM
Not Dead Yet
- Writer - Warren Ellis
- Writer - Leinil Francis Yu
- Inker - Edgar Tadeo
- Colorist - Jason Wright
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Editor - Mark Powers
- Editor in Chief - Bob Harras
Realizing that McLeish could now be targeting his friends, Logan decides to leave New York City. On his way to get his bike, he is caught in the middle of a head-on collision by two vehicles. Logan is in extreme pain as he is trapped between the two cars. One of the driver was dead (presumably thrown out of the window from the impact (note to all: remember, buckle up. =0) )). The other driver though gets out, tells Logan that McLeish says hello, and aims the gun at Logan's temple.
This brings a flashback back to when Logan and McLeish were in Hong Kong during a meeting of the most successfully paid killers in the world. McLeish was pointing out how if he liked a man, the best way to kill him instantly was to put a bullet right through the victim's temple.
Back to the present, Logan realizes that this guy was told to kill in McLeish's style, but he was too slow in doing it. Logan manages to dodge the shot, which grazes his head, and manages to grab the gunman by his throat, demanding to know where McLeish was. In a desparate attempt, the gunman continues to fire his gun at Logan, but to no avail. Logan was close to going into a berzerker rage, but the gunman suddenly fainted from pain and shock. Logan manages to free himself from in between the car, while his healing factor tended to his wounds.
A flashback back to Hong Kong when Logan was telling McLeish how he had a berserker temper that sometimes made him stop thinking like a man. He talks abot how he had been in a couple of wars, and how he's done things that no one would be the same after seeing what he does.
Back to the present, Logan arrives at the bike shop where his bike was stored. He smells a gunman behind the door, and before he opens it, he uses his claws to wound the gunman's firing hand, and knocks him out with a fist. Inside, he finds his bike, untampered with, and takes off for the wild and out of Manhattan to think.
In a town in the middle of nowhere, a lone, gloved man sitting on a rocking chair receives a call telling him that Logan was leaving the city heading upstate, heading towards this man's way. And as Logan heads upstate towards this area where this man was, the clash between Logan and McLeish is inevitable.