Wolverine #143
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1999
- Month
- 11
- LastChanged
- 6/22/2024 12:50:45 AM
- Writer - Erik Larsen
- Writer - Eric Stephenson
- Penciler - Leinil Francis Yu
- Inker - Dexter Vines
- Colorist - Marie Javins
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Comicraft
With the rest of Alpha Flight captured, Wolverine was able to free both James Hudson (aka Guardian) and his synthoid double (who I will refer to as Vindicator, as he was called Vindicator throughout this book). The three escape through a makeshift hole (created by Logan) into an unattended lab, where they discover, to their disbelief, a thought-to-be-dead former Alpha Flight member, Snowbird. James Hudson mentions how Snowbird's death was one of Alpha Flight's greatest tragedies, and it was during the time when he was gone and his wife, Heater Hudson (aka Vindicator, but I will refer to her as just Heather Hudson due to the use of Vindicator for the synthoid) was leading Alpha Flight. He tries to gain access to files on Snowbird from a nearby computer, until Weapon X shows up to stop them. Wolverine tells James to free Snowbird while he would handle Weapon X. Wolverine and Weapon X begins to duel it out while James and Vindicator frees Snowbird. After throwing a few good punches and insults at each other, Weapon X is thrown through the tank which enclosed Snowbird. Weapon X gets up to resume his fight with Logan, but Vindicator disables Weapon X from behind with an electromagnetic charge. With Snowbird in their hands, Wolverine, Guardian, and Vindicator heads off to find the rest of Alpha Flight.
Meanwhile, in another room where the Alpha Flight squad is being held captive, Heather overhears two A.I.M. soldiers talking about Shaman and his supernatural powers, and Heather wonders why A.I.M. was so interested in it, especially when in the past, their only interest was in manufacturing weapons. Modok appears, replying to Heather's thoughts (showing his power to read mind), and introduces himself to her. Heather thinks that Alpha Flight could escape from his grasp since Wolverine, to her knowledge, was still free. Modok thought Wolverine was indisposed at the moment battling Weapon X, but before he realizes it, Wolverine appears behind him with a few A.I.M. soldiers knocked out cold. As Modok is busy yelling at his men to kill Wolverine, Alpha Flight was able to break free when Sasquatch reverted to his human form. From beneath the floor, a giant robot appears, with Vindicator at the helms controlling it, to help battle Modok and the A.I.M. soldiers. With the situation getting out of hand, Modok hits the robot with some kind of blast, which disables the robot, causing it to fall and explode upon impact. Modok and a few A.I.M. soldiers were able to scurry away. James, realizing that Vindicator was still in the suit, wanted to resuce him, but due to the enormous fire caused by the robot when it was damaged, prevented anyone from getting close to it, and before long, the entire robot exploded, presumably, killing Vindicator. The rest of Alpha Flight and Wolverine were able to escape, though obviously, more sad after the sacrifice that Vindicator had to make to save them.
Titled "Loose Ends", this epilogue follows the preceding story a few days afterwards. Wolverine was about to leave back for the U.S., while Guardian and Sasquatch were busy trying to determine why Snowbird was still alive, though unconscious, through lab tests. Sasquatch (in human form) theorizes that she was still alive due to her genetic heritage: possessing the ability of an advanced form of cellular rejuvenation. He believes that when her body had begun to decay, her mutant regeneration ability kicked in to regenerate the body. James suddenly remembers why he and the synthoid of himself were captured, and how A.I.M. were trying to extract information from their minds to create other beings like Snowbird and to exploit these beings for their supernatural powers. The upside of rediscovering Snowbird was that Alpha Flight was whole again, but the downside was that the new A.I.M. might now have the information and ability to create beings just like Snowbird and use these beings' powers to their benefit (as shown by a cutaway scene where a heli-transporter lands with A.I.M. soldiers carting out two developing synthoids within containment units).